

A bunch of crazy rats has flooded the city and our last hope is the new piper that has arrived to town. 

Rats! Is a walking act theatre show based on the traditional tale “Pied piper of Hamelin”.

In this version, which is funny and huge, the rats play with everything they can reach while they follow the piper, who is guiding them.

Only one person can end this fun plague. Now well looked, they are fun rats!


Direction: Jordi Pedrós Miquel
Cast: Jordi Pedrós, Cristina Garcia, Aitana Giralt, Saray González, Marc Cartanyà, Alícia Buil, Erik Varea, Eloi Ponce.
Design and construction: Joan Pena – Plancton Escena
Costumes: Goretti Herrero
Duration: 60 minus
Option of 2 performances of 30′

Technical requirements

Dress room
Parking lot
Checking the route in advance


Where we’ve been

Fremantle Street Arts Festival (AUS), Wuzhen Festival (CHN), Just Pour rire Festival Montreal (CAN), Festival international theater Sibiu – FITS (ROU), Chuncheon Puppet Festival (KOR), Kulturmodet in Mors (DNK), International Freiburg Kulturboerse (DEU), Les Jeudis de Perpignan (FRA), Pas de la Casa (AND), Capdepera (IBA), Fête des Solidarités (NLD), De Gevleugelde Stad Ieper (BEL), Fête de l’Hiver (FRA), Féeries de Noël (FRA), Schloss-spektakel (DEU), Festival Rues et Cies a Epinal (FRA), Noëls insolites, le Festival de Rue (FRA), Festival d’hivern (AND), Festival Mondial des théâtres de Marionnettes de Charleville (FRA), Les Jeudis de Perpignan (FRA), Les Grimaldines (FRA), Open Flair Festival (DEU), Kleines Fest Bad Pyrmont (DEU), Kleines Fest Hannover (DEU), Fira de Titelles de Lleida (CAT), La Mostra d’Igualada (CAT), Festival de théâtre de Bègles (FRA)…


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Financiado por la Unión Europea-Next Generation EU    Proyecto financiado por el INAEM, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte     

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